Monday, September 17, 2012

The Words of Clowns: Spur of Moment Truth

Do not usually put a link up as a header...but you need to hear and see the Romney clip from the fundraiser in Boca Raton Florida on May 17th. Here the Richie Rich of the political world explains to his GOPer donors just what those who would support Obama really are.  According to Mitt, the 47% locked up by the President are of the belief that they are entitled not to freeze (a roof over their heads), not to starve (food in their bellies), not to die from a disease prevented at the turn of the 20th Century (Healhcare).

Horrors because they also pay NO INCOME TAX!!! A thought which made all the rich boys and girls shiver for fear that the wolf at the know, them, would want to eat their porridge which made only from carefully picked grains (by the hands of the same workers who mowed Mitt's lawn).

Of course this stunning admission was later rolled back by Romney saying it was "off the cuff."  But, that is when truth-telling happens...before the brain can go into lie mode.  Romney told his truth.  He sees the 47% who do not pay income tax as being dependent upon the Federal Govt.  And in his world dependency is a loaded word...often a trope for, well you know, drug addled lazy bums living in cities having babies and not knowing who the fathers are wanting free contraception and even freer abortions so they can spend their food stamps on the food their money should have purchased.  But we know about those people, don't we <wink, wink>.

And then the facts come out on the 47%.  From this chart prepared by the Tax Policy Center, you can see that well over half of them are working enough to pay the payroll taxes for SS and Medicare. Another 17% are either elderly (and thus receiving SS or Pension Benefits outside of taxes...or they are what we call the Working Poor...obviously another group of takers and spongers according to the elitist Romney/Ryan crowd who happily applaud when either man goes after what they consider to be drags on the nation's economy.  Doesn't Romney have to do better with the elderly and the working poor if he wants to win...or is the game to play voter suppression so strongly that the elderly and poor who cannot get to the DMV for new IDs in time for the election will be SOL?

Distribution of Federal Income Tax in-flows   

Wait until Romney starts talking "Food Stamp President!